Austmig 5356

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Suitable for welding wrought or cast aluminium alloys containing magnesium as the major alloying element.

  • Selected Grades of Wrought Iron
  • GMAW
  • Flat Position - Fillet Joint
  • Flat Position - Butt Joint
  • Horizontal Position - Fillet Joint
  • Horizontal Position - Butt Joint
  • Vertical Position - Up
  • Overhead Position - Fillet Joint
  • Overhead Position - Butt Joint


Precision layer wound Al/5%Mg wire suitable for welding wrought or cast aluminium alloys containing magnesium as the major alloying element. The Austmig 5356 is the most widely used welding alloy filler metal, due to its excellent corrosion resistance and high shear strength.

Typical Applications

Suitable for welding selected grades of wrought Al/Mg alloys including 5083, 5086, 5454 and 5456.


  • AS/NZS ISO 18273 - S AI 5356
  • AWS A5.10: ER5356
Typical All Weld Metal Chemical Analysis    
Typical All Weld Metal Mechanical Analysis
Gas TypeYield StrengthTensile StrengthElongation
Ar125 MPa275 MPa17%
Wire Size (mm)Packet Size (kg)TypePart Number
Full Pallet Quantity 
Wire Size (mm)Weight (kg)